Research and Publications

  • Magadla. S, Magoqwana. B, Motsemme. N (2021) ‘Thirty years of Male Daughters and Female Husbands: New Questions on Sex, Gender and Political Economy in Africa’ Journal of Contemporary Studies. Vol. 39 (4) Pp. 517-533
  • Magadla. S, Magoqwana. B, Motsemme. N and Mohoto. L (2021) ‘Sex, gender and Uvalo/Letswalo centred spirituality: in conversation with Gogo Mapitsi Mohoto’ Journal for Contemporary African Studies. Vol. 39 (4) Pp. 634-643
  • Magowana. B and Adesina. J (2020) ‘Reconnecting African Sociology to the Mother: Towards a Woman-centred Endogenous Sociology in South Africa’ African Sociological Review. Vol. 24 (2) Pp1-24
  • Magoqwana. B, Maqabuka. M and Tshoaedi. M (2020) ‘Forced to care” at the Neoliberal University: Invisible Labour as Academic Labour Perfomed by Black Women Academics in the South African University’ . South African Review of Sociology. Vol 50 (3-4)
  • Magoqwana. B and Thaver. L (2020) ‘Editorial Introduction: Higher Education: Power, Practices and Imperitives’ South African Review of Sociology. Vol. 50 (3-4)
  • Tau. S (2021) “Brenda Fasie and Busisiswa Gqulu: A relationship of feminist expression, aesthetics and memory “ Social Dynamics – A Journal of African Studies. Vol. 47 (3) Pp. 23-36
  • Mkhize. N, Maqabuka. Q, Magoqwana. B (2021) ‘Pedagogy of incoko: challenges in adapting conversational forms as a praxis of student care and engagement in the context of digital learning in South Africa’. Anthropology Southern Africa. Vol. 44 (3) Pp. 109-122
  • Suparsad. V (2021) ‘Posthuman subjectivities: Bollywood Nollywood film Namaste Wahala and the transnational transferability of post colonial contemporary urban femininities’ . Agenda (Empowering women for gender equity) Pp. 1-10
  • Magoqwana, B (2021) “Gendering Social Science Ukubuyiswa of Maternal Legacies of Knowledge in Sociology” , in (Muthien, B and Bam. J) South Africa’ Rethinking Africa: Indigenous Women Re-interpret Southern Africa’s Past. Jacana Press
  • Matebeni, Z. (2021) ‘The State of LGBT Rights in Africa’ in O. Yacob-Haliso, T. Falola (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of African Women’s Studies. Routledge: Taylor and Francis
  • Matebeni, Z. (2020) ‘Art-activism in Decolonizing a South African University Space’ in Steinbock, E. Leven, B De Valke (eds) Arts & Activism in the Age of Systematic Crisis. Routledge: Taylor and Francis
  • Gqola, P.D (2021) “A Playful but also very serious love letter to Gabrielle Goliath” In Desiree Lewis and Gabeba Baderoon. (Eds) Surfacing: On Being Black and Feminist in South Africa (Johannesburg: Wits University Press)




Pentecostal Charismatic Women

This is a Black feminist autoethnographic study, written from the perspective of an insider in both the Pentecostal community and Alexandra township. The book uncovers the daily lives of women in an African Pentecostal community while relating them to Black/African feminist and womanist theory. Thus, revealing the ways in which the Charismatic women of Alexandra build strong bonds with one another in spite of their differences and contest controlling images of femininity even as they sometimes traffic in problematic heteronormative constructions of social life




Voice of Liberation Miriam Tlali

Miriam Tlali was a novelist, short story writer, playwright, essayist, and activist against apartheid and patriarchal confinement. She worked consistently to build literary and political community, was one of the founders of Staffrider magazine, promoting the work of younger writers, and was the most prolific writer of her time. Hailed as the first black woman to publish a novel within the country in English under apartheid, and as the first black woman to significantly impact the male terrain of South African short story writing, Tlali held the mantle of many firsts. Fiercely opposed to censorship, she went to great lengths to undermine the will and impact of the apartheid censors and wrote many essays exposing the violence and hypocrisy of apartheid censors. A prolific writer whose plays were performed on two continents, Tlali was routinely banned in South Africa – once after a mere public reading of a story before it was even published. Tlali was recognised as an important South African literary voice, and her first novel was translated into Japanese, Dutch, German and Polish, while it remained banned in the country of her birth. This new addition to the Voices of Liberation series, Miriam TlaliWriting Freedom, brings together select original writing by Tlali with analyses of the many ways in which she imagined freedom. Like the other books in the Voices of Liberation series, this title surfaces how Tlali’s writing of freedom retains relevance beyond the specific site and conditions of its emergence.




Being Bollywood

Through engaging media coverage of the public lives of Bollywood actresses, this book unveils understandings of idealized femininity and gender within this cultural context. Beyond its own borders, such a context is unique given the global relevance of content from and about Bollywood with members of the diaspora as well as those culturally Indian individuals that are no longer part of the diaspora. This book thus engages these actresses as global Indian celebrities who are framed and presented as contemporary urban Indian exemplars of gender via media coverage about them. The book therefore offers a robust and detailed case study of the Bollywood star system so as to demonstrate how the nuances of this unique cultural context influence the dimensions of postfeminism and celebrity culture therein.




Female Fear Factory

Where Rape: A South African nightmare introduced strategies for disrupting rape culture at an individual level, Female Fear Factory offers an even bolder vision for collective action against all cultures of sexual violence. Like the previous book on which it builds, Female Fear Factory fuses intellectual rigour and extensive research, written by one of South Africa's keenest minds, award-winning Professor Pumla Dineo Gqola.